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Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Pandora Hearts 30 Day Challenge (day 10)

10. Favorite Quote?


"I won't let anyone take away what is mine! I'll protect you with my own hands!" -Alice, retrace 74

" Oz! You're a special person to me. You're a very good friend. So please... promise me that...When I'm in trouble... or if there are people that want to hurt will... come and save me. I love you, Oz. "-Alice

 "It's not true that you've lost everything. It's just've lost the will to live." -Lacie, chapter 66

"If you accept everything you're told without question, you'll lose your ability to think. Even if you reached the same conclusion, it would still be worth analyzing the reasons behind it." -Lacie, chapter 66

 "Up until now I hadn't realized that disappearing from this world... No longer being able to be by your side.... Would be so lonely..." -Lacie, chapter 72

"I  want to see you again. No matter what it takes." -Jack

"When you're gone, I will be lonely without you." -Oswald, chapter 72

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